Initiative The civic assembly of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
(further referred to as the CA-BMS)
arose from the desire and need of justice, freedom and prosperity, which the current society does not provide, yet even renders impossible.
As a result of our need to achieve the above mentioned values, we joined each other as people of different world-views, philosophies and needs to bring new quality into interhuman relationships through mutual cooperation.
The establishment of the CA-BMS is an outcome of long-lasting work of individuals as well as organized associations.
It came about owing to individual needs to change everything that tramples on the human dignity of ours and of our closest people and that is increasingly bringing the social situation to a head.
However, if we want tolerance and order to dominate in social relationships, then a mere idea does not suffice.
It is necessary to introduce such rules that will enable this.
Novinky a události
Vyšla nová kniha
Dovolujeme si vás upozornit na vydání nové knihy Petra Havlíčka s názvem "Kladivo na politiky". V případě vašeho zájmu se obracejte na web Pozitivního světa
Volby 2017
dovolujeme si vás upozornit na nově vzniklý politický subjekt s názvem "Hnutí Cesta". Jeho program a myšlenky prezentované na webových stránkách
Hodnocení uplynulého roku 2016
Jako každý rok se v přiloženém souboru zamýšlíme nad uplynulým rokem 2016.
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