Preamble and Conclusion
The Pillars of The Civic Assembly of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
“Because I have known the torment of thirst, I would dig a well where others may drink.”
E. T. Seton
The CIVIC ASSEMBLY of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (further referred to as the CA-BMS) arose from the need to change all that tramples on individual human dignity and that is increasingly bringing the social situation to a head.
In order to achieve the above mentioned purpose, we as people of different world-views, philosophies and needs, accept the Pillars of the CA-BMS on the level of State administration, Culture and Economy as sets of rules for value-driven decisions of real life and as starting points of general civic consensus. The Pillars of the CA-BMS bring order into the chaos of overall social interrelations and pave the way to attaining the higher goal of having the degree of social freedom that we allow ourselves to experience.
The Pillars of the CA-BMS represent a completely new quality of human coexistence
and carry the impulse to resolving negative societal and global phenomena.
All those are welcome who will identify themselves with the Pillars of the CA-BMS and will enrich them in the future if it is beneficial and/or needed.
The basis for our mutual cooperation and assistance in asserting the conditions of humane and dignified life and accepting responsibility for one´s life consists in thematically oriented working circles and workshops, broader international cooperation, the proposal of the "Constitution of Civil Society" as a new social treaty and other results of mutual cooperation.
The "Constitution of Civil Society" will comprise all necessary points in order to allow each individual to satisfy their needs and apply their creativity unless they harm others. This way social reconciliation (considerateness) and health can be achieved.
Everybody affiliated with the CA-BMS (either as a member or as an external co-worker) has the opportunity to bring their life experience, intentions and thoughts into the thematically oriented working groups and thus actively contribute to the improvement of the quality of their lives.
* * *
The CIVIC ASSEMBLY of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
is the way leading to a healthy society, to a humane and dignified life
and to the readiness to deal with the consequences of one´s own decisions,
not somebody else's as it has been the case so far.
* * *
The Pillars of the CIVIC ASSEMBLY of BMS were written
in an exceptionally creative spirit on 27th of March 2012
on the eve of the 420th birthday of J. A. Komenský in the town of Pardubice
by Jaroslav Hauser - Petr Chelčický Hradil - Karel Kříž
Libor Mikš - Jiří Schlimbach - Aleš Svoboda - Jaroslav Sýkora
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Dovolujeme si vás upozornit na vydání nové knihy Petra Havlíčka s názvem "Kladivo na politiky". V případě vašeho zájmu se obracejte na web Pozitivního světa
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