Offices and bodies of the CA

Only a member of the CA-BMS can candidate for and gain an office in the CA-BMS.

1. Project (Task) Administrator

This is not an elected office. A member can become a project administrator either by establishing his or her own project or by being entitled to solve a project by the workshop leader. The crucial criteria for assigning a task are knowledge and experience. Moral qualities are secured by observing the Pillars of the Assembly. For relevant reasons a member can reject the administration of the project to the workshop leader.

The project administrator stands at the head of the solving team and is responsible for solving the project to the members of the solving team as well as to the workshop leader to whom he or she delivers the final solution. The project leader has the right to form a solving team out of the current members according to his or her own judgement. Other co-workers on the project can be recruited from supporters – solvers based on their own initiative. The project administrator mustn´t decline their cooperation on the project without an obvious reason.

Note: A member can reject the project administrator´s offer of participation in the solving team. In that case the workshop leader has the right (but not the duty) to ask the member to give reason for declining cooperation.

2. Workshop Leader

A workshop is the lowest organizational unit of the CA-BMS and includes members – skilled experts in a particular specific sphere of issues. It solves concrete projects connected with its members´ specialization. The workshop leader has the right to assign a project to a member of his or her workshop, acts on behalf of the workshop, takes over the final solutions and – in case of need - consults them with the circle leader. If the nature of the task requires it, he or she has the solution approved of by all workshop members. The leader is chosen by the workshop members themselves through the system of continuous choice. The condition for nomination is the successful solving of a given number of tasks.

3. Circle Leader

Workshops with similar professional specialization are associated in wider thematic circles. The circle leader is elected through the system of continuous choice by members of all workshops constituting this circle. The circle leader must be experienced in solving tasks exceeding the scope of one workshop. The circle leader is responsible for the concept of the thematic specialization of the circle and for the domain of topics being solved. He or she is entitled to assign a task to a workshop subordinated to him or her and takes over the final solution from it. In case of need he or she has the solution approved of by all members of the circle (i.e. the members of all subordinated workshops) or consults it on the level of the particular sphere.

4. Assembly Council

The entire CIVIC ASSEMBLY OF BMS with thematic circles is divided into three spheres – General administration, Culture and Economy. Currently, each sphere is represented by one of the members of the Assembly Council. The Assembly Council consists of its founders. The Assembly Council is not an elected body, its role is administrative and organizational.

Note: To certify that the establishment of the CA-BMS was not motivated by the desire to gain offices that are well paid from public means, the founders, members of the Assembly Council, publicly committed themselves at the ceremonial convention in Olomouc March 3, 2012 not to strive for any political offices in the future.

5. Assembly Plenum

The Assembly Plenum consists of all members of the CA-BMS, i.e. the owners of the Assembly rights. The Assembly Plenum is the supreme decision body of the CA-BMS. All important decisions, especially all outputs concerning the organization of civil society, are subject to the approval of the Assembly Plenum.

Note: On the ground of the CA-BMS there will be also voting about technical and specialized issues, which only members of the involved circles and workshops will participate in.

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“The responsibility of everyone for everything is the responsibility of no-one for nothing. It is necessary to establish personal responsibility.” Tomáš Baťa


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