The Pillar of General Administration
- Civil society mustn´t be superior to an individual. In order for this society to operate correctly, it must be true that: Man is the fundamental element of society with his undoubtable human rights and obligations, with inseparable personal responsibility for himself as well as society (right - responsibility - obligation).
- Man can extend his human rights with civil rights, and then directly participate in the development and quality of the civil society. He acquires these rights after meeting the conditions set for this purpose.
- Civil society enables everybody the humanely dignified accessibility of basic necessaries of life.
- In order to stop the period of power abuse and undignified helplessness when citizens are deceived by election promises, outdated constitution, disarranged number of ambiguous, differently interpreted laws, by gaps in laws and unenforceability of law, it is necessary to accept the following principle: it is impossible to represent a citizen in the process of decision-making. Nobody is allowed to decide wilfully for a citizen otherwise than according to his authorization above which always stands civil responsibility and respect for human rights and obligations.
- Judicial power is always subject to law and it is punishable for an unjust verdict. Therefore it must particularly follow the principle: Nobody must be harmed! If such damage is acknowledged by a judicial decision, it must be compensated without any further conditions and terms of prescription. This principle must stand above laws, which are necessary to be made clearly arranged, simple, unequivocal and comprehensible to everyone, even without legal education.
- Any proprietary relation to natural resources is the cause of their plundering, of destroying the environment, exploiting people and threatening war conflicts. That is why another principle says: Nobody is permitted to own natural resources, one can only manage them or use them, but only with regard to their utmost protection and efficiency.
- The fundamental principle in the area of general administration is the consistent assertion of the BALANCE between rights and obligations.
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