The pillars of the CA-BMS
“The last leaf trembles on the plane-tree,
for it knows well that without shaking there is no firmness.
Oh God, the leaf does not have to ask you for anything, You let it grow and it did not spoil it.
But what about me, but what about me, but what about me...”
Vladimír Holan
The Pillars of the CIVIC ASSEMBLY of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia were ceremoniously presented on May 1, 2012 at the 4th convention of the Czech Conference in Kutná Hora.
There was a wonderful and hearty atmosphere penetrating this significant and so much needed event. However, it is necessary to bring the remarkable and dignified content from the clouds back to ourselves:
But what about me...
“Because I have known the torment of thirst, I would dig a well where others may drink.”
E. T. Seton
The CIVIC ASSEMBLY of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (further referred to as the CA-BMS) arose from the need to change all that tramples on individual human dignity and that is increasingly bringing the social situation to a head.
In order to achieve the above mentioned purpose, we as people of different world-views, philosophies and needs, accept the Pillars of the CA-BMS on the level of State administration, Culture and Economy as sets of rules for value-driven decisions of real life and as starting points of general civic consensus...
281 kB | Complete wording of the Pillars of the CA-BMS | Download |
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