Participants of the CA-BMS

Anybody who shows interest can become a participant of the CIVIC ASSEMBLY OF BMS. We put emphasis on following the basic human rules of decent behaviour, polite expression and meaningful communication.

1. Guests

The public websites will be accessible to all those who will  enter the link. Such a participant becomes our guest. Each guest can send an e-mail query to the address: Everybody can express their consent with the Pillars of the CA-BMS, and thus morally support our work, without participating in further work on the CA-BMS projects for any reason. This means that they will further remain in the role of a guest, and it depends only on their decision if they will continuously follow the published documents. If they show interest any time in the future, it is always possible to change their status within the CA-BMS.

2. Supporters

Whoever will be interested in closer cooperation, they can ask for personal access codes (name and password) for the non-public part of the websites of the CA-BMS and thus become supporters. The essential condition is their consent with the Pillars of the CA-BMS. The registration is meaningful only if the participant supposes active cooperation - immediately or in near future. Thus it is expected that he or she will become a solver (see below), even though the system does not check this and there are no limits until when the supporter has to become a solver.

3. Solvers

On the non-public websites accessible to supporters there is a list of all projects that are currently being solved. A supporter can choose any of them and actively participate in its solving. Thus he or she becomes a solver. It is presumed that the solver will actively work just on one single task, but any time he or she can switch to another one, even in the case that the currently solved task has not been finished.

4. Members

After the expiration of the period of 1 month the solver has the right to ask for membership in the CA-BMS, usually through the workshop, within which he or she has taken part in solving project tasks. Apart from that, he or she must gain the guarantee of a current member of the Assembly and the consent of the members of the workshop he or she is entering. The membership is inseparably connected with the Assembly rights, which entitle the member to participate in elections and short term decisions made on behalf of the workshop, circle, sphere as well as the CA-BMS as a whole. At the same time, he or she has the right to stand as a candidate for the elected offices in the CA-BMS and to be elected. All members form together the Plenum of the Assembly, a body with the highest decision competences.

Novinky a události


Vyšla nová kniha

Dovolujeme si vás upozornit na vydání nové knihy Petra Havlíčka s názvem "Kladivo na politiky". V případě vašeho zájmu se obracejte na web Pozitivního světa


Volby 2017

dovolujeme si vás upozornit na nově vzniklý politický subjekt s názvem "Hnutí Cesta". Jeho program a myšlenky prezentované na webových stránkách



Hodnocení uplynulého roku 2016

Jako každý rok se v přiloženém souboru zamýšlíme nad uplynulým rokem 2016.

>> zobrazit pdf
načíst další

“The responsibility of everyone for everything is the responsibility of no-one for nothing. It is necessary to establish personal responsibility.” Tomáš Baťa


OBČANSKÝ SNĚM Čech, Moravy a Slezska

je spoluautorem, nositelem a ochráncem hodnot na úrovni pilířů Všeobecné správy, Kultury a Hospodářství.


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Občanský Sněm ČMS
vila Univers
Vrázova 5
700 30 Ostrava

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