The Pillar of Culture

The main task of culture is the education towards freedom:

  1. Nowadays, social respect and reverence towards natural differences between men and women are depreciated, their roles are artificially denied, wiped away and confused. If the society shall experience rebirth and achieve a real transformation, it is necessary to enable men and women their creative fulfilment according to their natural presuppositions, rather than support women´s effort to equal men and vice versa.

  2. The decline of human values, often augmented by the burdensome economic situation, seriously disturbs the mission of family. It is necessary to acknowledge the different presuppositions – qualities and abilities of men as well as women, so the family could fulfill its main mission, which includes harmonious coexistence, care and upbringing, and creating positive examples for future generations.

  3. The current education as a tool of passive acceptance of ideological dogma does not sufficiently support the development either of one´s own judgement, or of the true cognition of reality. It is necessary to introduce education developing pupils´ unique abilities, humanity and the desire to get to know the truth.

  4. The current application of the acquired knowledge or innate abilities of man at the labour market in the unhealthy overexertion to be able to compete has a destructive impact on human dignity. It is important to aim towards the fulfilment of the words: “what you devote yourselves to” and not “what you do for a living”. Therefore another pillar of culture is: Education of citizens for life, not for the labour market, from the grip of which it is necessary to set man free.

  5. The abuse of information, its concealing or distorting have reached unjustifiable proportions. For the healthy life of
    society it is necessary to ensure: voluntary sharing of unbiased information with emphasis on ethically moral unobjectionability.

  6. The society supports with all available means human creativity developing the relation to noble values on the physical, psychical and spiritual level.

  7. The fundamental principle in the area of culture is the recognition and understanding of FREEDOM.

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"Without any reservation we must aim to return the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion and civil freedom to the human race. Freedom, I claim, is the most wonderful possession, created together with man and inseparable from him … Therefore let us introduce man, if possible, to freedom! - Let us set him free from all prescriptive dogma, cults and obediences.” Jan Amos Komenský


OBČANSKÝ SNĚM Čech, Moravy a Slezska

je spoluautorem, nositelem a ochráncem hodnot na úrovni pilířů Všeobecné správy, Kultury a Hospodářství.


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